Samantha Garrett

Technology Trainer
Efficiency, Productivity & Organisational Nerd
I LOVE helping people clean up their inboxes, organise their files, and take control of their to-do lists. In a nutshell: maximising efficiency with everyday tech tools.

Here's What I Do

I’m a highly experienced technology trainer working with business, government and education clients across Australia, New Zealand and further afield. I help people make the most of their technology tools, particularly G Suite (Google Workspace) and Microsoft (Office) 365.

Here's What I Do

My passion for helping others become more efficient, productive and organised is at the heart of my approach to tech training. I do what I do because I believe the more efficient, productive and organised we are, the more time we have to live a more meaningful life.

What’s my style

I like to keep it simple. My training offers practical, relevant and easy-to-understand content delivered with high octane energy and joy. There are two things I guarantee in all my workshops – laughter and learning. And, no matter what your level of confidence and competence, I meet you right where you’re at.
I LOVE learning so I’ve studied a lot! With formal qualifications in Education (Digital Technologies), Marketing & Management, Training & Assessment and Network Engineering, I’m armed with an arsenal of skills that have made me a leader in IT support, team leadership, business analysis and technology training. I’ve been delivering tech training with Using Technology Better since mid-2016 and it’s the best job I have ever had. Hands down.
I LOVE food – eating it, cooking it, and having other people cook it for me! And, I love the joyful discovery that travel and new experiences bring.
An idyllic country-coastal community in Victoria, Australia.
Check out my two all-time favourite projects: LearnBytes Increase your efficiency and productivity, embrace your natural creativity and lead with impact with my podcast and web show (available on YouTube, Instagram and your favourite podcast platform). My Fortnightly Newsletter Sign up here for tips, tricks and strategies for living your most efficient, productive and organised life.