Microsoft 365 Training

We’re taking an educated guess that you’ve landed
on this page because you

Whatever your reasons, you are in the right place!

Being thrown into roles and told these are the tech tools and platforms you must use can be daunting, especially if you’ve never had training in them.

Plus, there’s working with the tools, and then there’s getting
them working for you. The right way to use technology. The
only way we encourage.

You see, Microsoft 365 boasts productive workflows and
automated efficiencies, right? It is real-time collaboration,
communication, automation and data security at its best!
Yet, if you’ve never been shown “how” to achieve these
efficiencies, or how to use the features to get what you need
from the tools, then you’re just another slave to the
technology and so is your team.

So, expecting your team to be working efficiently without ever
offering training to give them the know-how is rough, don’t
you agree?

Organising Microsoft 365
training for your team is
easier than you might think
and will be the best
investment you make in
your people!

They go from frustrated and overwhelmed to over the moon;
they can’t believe the time (and sanity!) they have saved.

They finally understand how to use the tools in their context
and workplace environment to get their jobs done,
productively and efficiently.

The UTB Way


We Listen

We ask the right questions and
listen to your challenges.


We Customise

We customise a training program
to help your team succeed.


We Deliver

We upskill your team to achieve more with less effort.

Schedule a call with our team today

Not convinced?

We're a global partner of Microsoft. Our trainers are certified Microsoft experts.

We specialise in
end-user adoption and
technology training.

Our training boosts your productivity and frees up your time.
It’s engaging, practical tech training – without the mind-
numbing, snoozefest presentations you’re used to. Fewer tech
headaches = Better productivity and a lot less stress.

We love what we do and we’re passionate about helping your team get to grips with the tech tools they use every day. We’ve trained over 100,000, now, happier humans because they are confident in getting technology working for them.

What achieves this success?

(Aside from our good-looking, clever customers?)

Our Consultative

We take an owner’s mindset which
means we’ll do what is best for
your context and people.


Our Delivery

We have a strict no geek speak, no
snoozefest presentations and
certainly no training for the sake of
training policy; aka we can read a
room and adapt.


Our Focus On
The Human Side

Less about the tools and more about how your team are using them.

Ready to get the most out of your Microsoft 365 licensing?
Schedule a call with our team today

Looking for tool specific training? Check out our Online Live Courses for Microsoft 365 here.

You can book in at a time that works for you and attend the training from wherever you are in the world.

Partner with UTB for End-User Adoption Training

Unhappy customers don’t renew licences on technology they can’t get their team to use productively. Not a surprise to you, right? Let’s change that together. 

Fact #1: You do great work

You deploy solid IT solutions for your customers. They are well strategised, well planned and execution is always on point – because that’s what you do – and well (if you do say so yourself). 

But …

The feedback you get is … “it’s not working” – “it’s worse than it was before” – “our staff aren’t using the new technology”…

Fact #2: It's not your fault

It’s out of your control. And you know it. 

It’s not the technology, it’s not the cloud, it’s not even the tools (Teams, Outlook, Gmail, Calendar, Excel etc)… 

It’s the people using them. The end-users. (Sir, have you tried restarting your computer 🤦)   

Fact #3: You're a smart cookie

You know the answer. You know they need training. 

But you don’t specialise in training. Sure you could add it to your deployment team’s job description … but they aren’t trainers. They don’t understand learning habits.  

We do. That’s our jam. And that’s why you need to partner with us. 

So you do your bit,
we’ll make it stick.

At UTB, we deliver a new standard of professional development training that delights, motivates and inspires ....

(and prevents computers being thrown out the window)


Happy Organisations


Training Sessions Delivered


Humans Kept


Saved … More Than We Can Count


Boring IT

We’re trusted by smart companies like:

We do things a little VERY differently

Our Key Difference

We don’t just deliver tech training on functionality. We deliver on practical application of the tools – tailored to the customer’s environment

So again,
you do your bit,
we’ll make it stick.

Partner with UTB
